Friday, February 19, 2021

Finish Friday!

So I don’t actually have any recent full finishes and my latest stitching finishes were in my last post BUT I do have 2 finishes from June 2019 that weren’t ever posted about. 

These were made for a couple of our closest friends for their kids who are close in age to ours. They are huge Star Wars fanatics and I really wanted to do something nice for their kids. For both of the pieces, I used some patterns from Etsy and personalized them.

For their son's, the piece was supposed to have the words "Star Wars" above the characters but instead I opted to put his name and then his birth date underneath. I apparently started this one in May 2017 and finished stitching in February 2019, when I last posted about it. 


June 2019:
"Star Wars Mini Cross Stitch Pattern: Darth Vader -Yoda" (Personalized) - NatliNeedlework FINISHED!

For their daughter's, I found a pattern that had the main female characters but instead of the saying that was supposed to go between the 2, I placed her name and date of birth instead. I tried to use a different font for her name as well so that both pieces had their own unique feels to them. I believe I started this piece in March of that year after their daughter was born and finished it in June.

June 2019:
"Star Wars Inspired Cross Stitch - Princess Leia" (Personalized) - GoodMorningMaui FINISHED!

Overall they were fun to stitch since I decided to play around with the font design so much. In the end, I just wanted to make sure my friends were happy with the finished products and they seemed like they were!

Happy stitching!


  1. Wow! So cute! I bet that they were a big hit.

    1. Thank you! Luckily they loved them and have them hanging up in the kids' rooms!

  2. Nice to meet you, thank you for commenting on my blog. Your Star Wars name pictures are great, such a lovely idea, I'm sure they will be treasured.

    1. Thank you very much and nice to meet you as well!

  3. Oh these are cute. We are Star Wars lovers here in this house too.

    1. Thanks! We enjoy Star Wars but our friends blow our minds with their level of fandom so I really hoped they would love these!

  4. These are both cute and, with your own modifications, very unique!

    1. Thank you! Make my own changes made me a little nervous but they turned out better than I thought in the end :)

  5. These are fabulous and perfect for Star Wars fans too.
